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Projektas: Rapsodija

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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeTr. 04 22, 2009 2:49 pm

Taigi, taigi, jei kas susidomėjo skaitykit:

Ką darytum, jei atsibustum apleistoje laboratorijoje, pažymtas raide ir skaičiumi ir neprisimintum kas nutiko?
Kai išeini iš šalto kambario, suskamba telefonas. Kai pakeli ragelį, kimus balsas pasveikina tave "Turi pasirinkti. Surasti priešnuodį arba mirti. Eik žemyn koridoriumi, surask duris, įvesk numerį, kuris pažymetas tau ant krūtinės. Išsirink viena iš vertingesnių viduje. Jei įeini - viskasm kelio atgal nebėra. Tu pasirinkai surasti priešnuodį." Kai paslaptingas balsas padeda ragelį, nueini žemyn koridoriumi, surenki numerį nuo savo krūtinės. Naujame kambaryje tu randi tris stiklinius konteinerius: kiekviename iš jų po švirkštą. Bet prieš tai, kai pradarai vieną iš konteinerių, tu pastebi seną, dulkėtą stalą, tau iš dešinės, ant jo guli raštelis. Tu prieini prei stalo ir perskaitai jį.
“Jei skaitai šį raštelį, tu veikiausiai pabudai iš savo kriogeninio miego. Tu nepasenai. Pasirinkai surasti priešnuodį, tad linkime sekmės.
Aš, Dr. Cirko, pridėjome tavo bylą. Kaip pastebėjai, tavo gimimo datos nėra. Tai padaryta vien dėl tavo saugumo. Paskutinės dvi eilutės paliktos užpildyti tau pačiam. Paskutinį įrašyk kai pasirinksi konteinerį.

Kraujo grupė:
Akių spalva:
Plaukų spalva:
Fiziniai sutrikimai, jei yra:
Psichiniai sutrikimai, jei yra:

Linkime sekmės,
Dr.Cirko, Vyriausiasis Projekto: Rapsodija mokslininkas
Projekto Rapsodijos komanda”

Sozz, bet neverčiau galių, nes labai daug xD

Choice A:
As you walk over to Container A, the syringe seems to be shining in a strange, blue light. As you blink, the light disappears. When you open the container, you get a sudden headache. As you reach out and grab the syringe, the headache worsens. As you stab it into your arm and press the liquid into it, you fall to the floor, unconscious. As you wake up, you find the other containers empty. As you look around, you see a bottle full of water. As you stare at it, the water inside the bottle forms a boat. You suddenly remember a word... Hydrokinesis, the ability of controlling water with your willpower.

Choice B:
As you walk over to Container B, the syringe seems to be shining in a strange, red light. As you blink, the light disappears. When you open the container, you get a sudden headache. As you reach out and grab the syringe, the headache worsens. As you stab it into your arm and press the liquid into it, you fall to the floor, unconscious. As you wake up, you find the other containers empty. As you look around, you see a match-box. You crawl over to it, take out a match, and ignite it. As you stare at it, the flame suddenly gets larger and forms a sun. You remember a word… Pyrokinesis, the ability of controlling fire with your willpower.

Choice C:
As you walk over to Container C, the syringe seems to be shining in a strange, purple light. As you blink, the light disappears. When you open the container, you get a sudden headache. As you reach out and grab the syringe, the headache worsens. As you stab it into your arm and press the liquid into it, you fall to the floor, unconscious. As you wake up, you find the other containers empty. As you look around, you see a large, heavy-looking barrel. You stare at it with intense eyes. As you continue to stare at it, it suddenly starts flying around the room. You remember a word… Telekinesis, the ability of moving objects with your willpower.

Įdomu? Kas tai? Visi atsakymai bus atskleisti.
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeKv. 04 23, 2009 5:24 am

Aaa, cia tipo tos istorijos kur pats "kuri" pabaigas, pasirinkdamas? Man taip atrodo. O gal ir ne. Anyways, sudomino. xDDD
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeKv. 04 23, 2009 11:21 am

Teehee, tiesą pasakius tai yra RPG ;D Ir labai fainas, bet cis neprisiruošiu į jį patekti xD Laubiau suviliojo "Apocalypse" projektas xD
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeKv. 04 23, 2009 11:24 am

Tiesa. Man blondinei ^^ pasakyk, čia kokius duomenis vesti xDD? Typo savo ar to sugalvoto veikėjo xDD?
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Angel Black
Angel Black

Vardas : Ag.
Pranešimų skaičius : 13918
Female Amžius : 36
Profesija : Profesionalė. Kame? Geras klausimas ._.
Grupuotė : Neutralus
Kursas : DARK.

Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeKv. 04 23, 2009 11:27 am

Aj, pažįstu ir tokius RPG. xDD We need more info! xDD
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeKv. 04 23, 2009 11:47 am

Galit vestm arba galit iškart regintis į areyousuffering.com > ChamberGames> RPG xD

Here are my own record files for the "Beyond The Doors of the(Victorian) Asylum":

Projektas: Rapsodija 587c881 > Projektas: Rapsodija 3ef5504

Case number: 10124
Date of admission: December 12
Name: Persephone
Age and Sex: 17, female
Married, Single or Widowed: Single
Has any family?: Yes
Habit of Life: None
Occupation: Student
Religious persuasion: None
Brought by whom?: By her mother
Form of Insanity: Delusional disorder, Schizophrenia.
Supposed cause: Being raped by her stepfather.
Is hereditary?: No.
Is Suicidal?: Yes.
Is dangerous to others?: Yes.
Is destructive to property?: Yes.
State of bodily health?: Fine.
Marks of violence, if any: Scars, bruises and wounds.
Facts specified in medical certificate, upon which opinion of insanity founded: Not much known about this person. It is hard to trust her, due to her mental illness. Her mother just left telling, that her daughter is insane and liyng about her husband.After the admission it was noticed, that she dislikes straitjacket and other people. She looks intelligent and calm, until notices "the intruder", which is staff most likely. Tries to communicate with other inmates as possible as she can.[/i]

Projektas: Rapsodija 98e5106 > Projektas: Rapsodija 920f303
Case number: #25413
Date of admission: December 26
Name: Azurria
Age and Sex: 17, female
Married, Single or Widowed: Single
Has any family?: her sister Persephone and her mother.
Habit of Life: Cursing and spelling things that she doesn't like
Occupation: Witch
Religious persuasion: Wiccan
Brought by whom?: Women, that didn't whant Azurria burned.
Form of Insanity: Delusional disorder, Schizophrenia.
Supposed cause: Possibly hereditary, but can be caused by her mother, when she was throws off the cliff, due to her un-normal hair colour.
Is hereditary?: Possible.
Is Suicidal?: No
Is dangerous to others?: Yes
Is destructive to property?: Yes
State of bodily health?: Healthy
Marks of violence, if any: Scar on her left palm and back
Facts specified in medical certificate, upon which opinion of insanity founded:
She was brought by a women, who told that Azurria was raised by village's witch.

Projektas: Rapsodija B511431
Case number: 18423
Date of admission: 28th December
Name: Edward Fowler
Age and Sex: 20, Male
Married, Single or Widowed: Single
Has any family?: Father, mother and younger sister
Habit of Life: Smoking
Occupation: Barber
Religious persuasion: Roman Catholic
Brought by whom?: Police.
Form of Insanity: Schizophrenia
Supposed cause: Unknown
Is hereditary?: Unknown
Is Suicidal?: No
Is dangerous to others?: Yes
Is destructive to property?: Unknown
State of bodily health?: Fine
Marks of violence, if any: Bruises on his neck and right palm
Facts specified in medical certificate, upon which opinion of insanity founded:
He killed his customers, pretended being barber, even if he was from aristocratic family. Edward is really intelligent person, who is professional in medicine and psychology.
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitimeSk. 08 23, 2009 12:32 pm

vau perdauk parasyta LOLASLOLASLOLASLOLAS :dainuoja: :muzika: KVIETYŠYŠYŠYŠYŠ
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Projektas: Rapsodija Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: Projektas: Rapsodija   Projektas: Rapsodija Icon_minitime

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Projektas: Rapsodija

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